Artists playing the AES London® 5-String Violin Darol Anger and The Furies London 5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Molly Healey London5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Laura Cortese and the Dance Cards London 5 Tomoko Omura London5 Daisy Castro London5 Peter Lee Johnson London5 Molly Healey - looping London5 Duane Padilla London 5 David Gerald Sutton's Tiny Desk Contest 2016 London 5 Steffen Zeichner, with looping pedal London5 Enion Pelta-Tiller with TAARKA London 5 Giulio Venier with Ezio Santellani London 5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Peter Lee Johnson London 5 Daisy Castro with Baklava Express London5 Laura Cortese & the Dance Cards London 5 David Gerald Sutton London 5 Steffan Zeichner London5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Duane Padilla London 5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Tom Morley with banna de dhá London 5 Adam Moe with Pushing Chain London 5 Andy Reiner London5 Robert Anderson with TJ Stafford London 5 Chuck Hugenberg with Oakhurst London 5 Robert Anderson with TJ Stafford London 5 Peter Lee Johnson London 5 Adam Moe with Pushing Chain London 5 Peter Lee Johnson London 5 Duane Padilla London 5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Peter Lee Johnson London 5 Duane Padilla London5 Darol Anger & Mike Marshall London5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Daisy Castro with Stephane Wrembel London5 Daisy Castro London5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Laura Cortese and the Dance Cards London5 Steffen Zeichner London5 Molly Healey London5 Darol Anger & Mike Marshall w/ WDR BIG BAND London5 Darol Anger & Bruce Molsky London5 Artists Playing the AES Dahlia® 5-String Violin Alexey Kochetkov with Ajam Quartet Dahlia5 Catie Jo Pidel with Caludo Dahlia5 Alexey Kochetkov - Ajam Quartet Dahlia5 Kathleen Parks with Twisted Pine Dahlia5 Kathleen Parks - Twisted Pine Dahlia5 Alexey Kochetkov & Farhang Moshtagh Dahlia 5 Jessy Greene Dahlia5 Caludo Dahlia5 Kathleen Parks Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks - Twisted Pine Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks w/ Aoife O'Donovan Dahlia 5 The Matt Glaser Trio Dahlia 5 Jessy Greene Dahlia 5 Lisa Fuglie with Monroe Crossing. Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks w/ Cat and the Moon. Dahlia 5 Lisa Fuglie w/ Monroe Crossing. Dahlia 5 Jessy Greene with Fistful of Mercy. Dahlia 5 Zosha Warpeha with Mike Robinson Dahlia 5 Lisa Fuglie with Monroe Crossing. Dahlia 5 Jacob Head Dahlia 5 Eva Cottin with Lady Lakritz Dahlia 5 Lisa Fuglie with Monroe Crossing Dahlia 5 Jessy Greene / Fauntella Crow Dahlia 5 Jessy Greene / Transmit N Receive Dahlia 5 Jessy Greene / Fauntella Crow Dahlia 5 Zosha Warpeha Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks / Twisted Pine Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks / Twisted Pine Dahlia 5 Dylan James Dahlia 5 Alexey Kochetkov & Farhang Moshtagh Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks - Twisted Pine Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks - Twisted Pine Dahlia 5 Jacob Head Dahlia 5 Catie Jo Pidel with Caludo Dahlia 5 Kathleen Parks - Twisted Pine Dahlia 5 Catie Jo Pidel - Caludo Dahlia5 Alexey Kochetkov - Ajam Quartet Dahlia5 Catie Jo Pidel with Caludo Dahlia5 Kathleen Parks Dahlia5 Caludo Dahlia5 Caludo Dahlia5 Artists playing AES 4-String Violins Grant Flick with Full Cord Old No. 54 Jason Anick and friends DuShane Grant Flick - Ultrafaux Ensemble Old No. 54 Diego Mondragon Old No. 54 Tom Schaefer and Richard Kriehn w/ Honky Tonk Jump DuShane Tom Schaefer with Greg Byers DuShane Diego Mondragon Old No. 54 Tom Schaefer /Tourish, Curran, & Enblom DuShane Jim Plattes demo of polyphonic violin technique DuShane Christopher Becknell with Murzik Marinette Diego Mondrago Old No. 54